AI Sweet Life

Learn more, get more done, and have more fun with AI

There’s a lot of buzz about ai in general. AI image, video, audio, and text generators have become very popular among technical and non-technical people alike.

The future is NOW!

As one fascinated with technology, I’ve found AI to be a tremendously useful tool for learning, being productive, and having fun! There are many people I know and love who are less than super tech savvy, but I believe they too can (and should!) make use of AI powered tools.

That’s why I wanted to create this website. It’s a place where I can build tools and games that help people learn more, get more done, and have more fun with AI!

Which ai-powered apps and games are we planning?
  • Learning Tools to help Students use AI for learning NOT cheating!
    • AI Study Game – Like the flashcards of the future. This app combines principals of operant conditioning with the fun of gamification to engage students with learning and memorization.
  • Bedtime Story Game to help parents engage with their children, promoting a lifelong love of reading and creative writing. The best part is that it also helps them wind down for a long restful night’s sleep.
  • AI Story Game – This ai-powered “choose-your-own-adventure” style story game includes elements of chance, beautiful illustrations, and the ability to share your creations with friends.
  • AI Powered Planning Apps
    • Meal Planning App to help busy families
    • Trip Planning App to help with family vacations
    • College Planning App to help high schoolers explore their options
  • AI Powered Coaching Apps
    • Business Coaching App to help busy professionals
    • Life Coaching App to help humans
    • Academic Life Coaching App to help students

Be the first to try out these revolutionary Apps & Games for free!