Category: AI Powered Games

  • What is Operant Conditioning, and how can it be used to help students learn?

    What is Operant Conditioning, and how can it be used to help students learn?

    Imagine you have a video game where you get points for doing good things and lose points for doing not-so-good things. Operant conditioning is kind of like that game, but in real life!

  • AI Study Game: The flash cards of the future

    AI Study Game: The flash cards of the future

    Our two children are so very different. Our son, age 11, is a very independent learner. While he certainly has his academic struggles, he is generally a fast learner and able to navigate most course material with ease. Our daughter, age 7, is more of a free spirit. She loves to stop and smell the…

  • New goodies coming soon from openai

    New goodies coming soon from openai

    Let’s revel in the exciting news from Reuters in this article. Summary: OpenAI, known for creating the popular chatbot ChatGPT, is planning significant updates to attract more developers by making it cheaper and faster to create software applications using its AI technology. These updates will potentially reduce costs for developers by up to 20 times.…