Category: AI Powered Apps

  • AI Study Game: The flash cards of the future

    AI Study Game: The flash cards of the future

    Our two children are so very different. Our son, age 11, is a very independent learner. While he certainly has his academic struggles, he is generally a fast learner and able to navigate most course material with ease. Our daughter, age 7, is more of a free spirit. She loves to stop and smell the…

  • How AI is taking our jobs… and making them better

    How AI is taking our jobs… and making them better

    I was inspired by this bearish article on the impacts of artificial intelligence. In the world of technology, AI stands as a beacon of potential, transforming how we approach everyday life and business. It’s not just about machines doing tasks; it’s about opening new doors. By democratizing services like design and programming, AI is breaking…

  • New from OpenAI: GPT-4 Turbo

    New from OpenAI: GPT-4 Turbo

    Today, I’m excited to share and discuss some big news from OpenAI! As I mentioned before, I’m a huge fan of GPT-4 because of its ability to write solid code snippets. When I hear the word “turbo” I think of fast. But there’s more to this update than just speed. Let’s explore. 128K context window…

  • An elephant riding a unicycle while juggling chainsaws…

    An elephant riding a unicycle while juggling chainsaws…

    …and other impossibly fantastic visuals brought to you by generative AI 😉 My son is 10 years old and he is no stranger to artificial intelligence. He may not be completely obsessed with the technology like his dear old dad, but he knows how to use a few AI-powered tools for work and for play.…

  • Recipes for Thanksgiving Fusion: Scotland meets the Caribbean

    Recipes for Thanksgiving Fusion: Scotland meets the Caribbean

    One of the fabulous things about a sophisticated AI chatbot like ChatGPT4, is the persistence. This is just a fancy word that indicates that you can pick up where you left off. Whether its a day later or a year later, the chat interface is able to save all of your conversations (unless you decide…

  • Let’s plan a unique ai-powered Thanksgiving feast

    Let’s plan a unique ai-powered Thanksgiving feast

    With a few weeks remaining to create and execute a solid holiday meal plan, we’ll start by brainstorming with a little help from ChatGPT 4. To make it extra inspirational, I’m using Dall-e 3 to generate accompanying images for each section. My prompt… I’d like to plan a Thanksgiving feast that caters to our family’s…

  • New goodies coming soon from openai

    New goodies coming soon from openai

    Let’s revel in the exciting news from Reuters in this article. Summary: OpenAI, known for creating the popular chatbot ChatGPT, is planning significant updates to attract more developers by making it cheaper and faster to create software applications using its AI technology. These updates will potentially reduce costs for developers by up to 20 times.…

  • Storytime Reinvented: AI-Generated Bedtime Stories

    Storytime Reinvented: AI-Generated Bedtime Stories

    When it comes to the age-old tradition of bedtime stories, most of us have nostalgic memories of a parent or guardian flipping through the worn pages of a cherished children’s book. From tales of adventurous quests to fables imparting moral lessons, bedtime stories have long been a staple in cultivating a child’s imagination and love…

  • How Can AI Help Busy Parents?

    How Can AI Help Busy Parents?

    In the grand juggling act that is parenting, every moment saved is like gold dust. There’s always something to attend to—be it school runs, grocery shopping, or keeping your career on track. While technology sometimes gets a bad rap for distancing family members from one another (who hasn’t seen a restaurant table with everyone glued…

  • AI and The Classroom

    AI and The Classroom

    My wife was a middle school teacher for a number of years. She is a passionate educator and her passion, as it turns out, has been contagious. She and I have had many talks about education. We have also had many talks about AI. It’s only natural that we began talking about how AI will…